Over the last ten years, I've had the opportunity to work on digital ad campaigns for universities, book publishers, films, charities, and local businesses. In that time, I’ve made my share of mistakes and learned lessons from those mistakes along the way. Here are five of the many mistakes I made and the lessons you can learn from them.
Unrealistic Expectations
This is number one for a reason. When I first started planning and executing digital ad campaigns, I expected that the ads would result in immediate sales. I thought the process went something like this: 1. See an ad. 2. Click on the ad. 3. Buy the product promoted in the ad. That's direct response advertising, right? I learned the hard way that it doesn't quite work like that. Not by a long shot. Getting results from advertising takes extensive planning, effective creative and repeat exposure. Although the tactics of digital advertising are vastly different from offline advertising, the fundamentals - despite what others may say - remain the same.
Poor Planning
Speaking of planning, with most of my campaigns, I only had a Plan A and typically that was to sell something like a book or a ticket to an event or a donation opportunity. The reality is that most people don’t click...
Read this post in its entirety at https://www.catholicmarketing.com/content/873884/1/top-5-digital-advertising-mistakes-and-lessons-learned